Do you have any interesting, happy, or humorous memories of Jimmy?
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Greaves, Jimmy Sadly Jimmy Greaves has passed away aged 81. This was reported in the national news today 19th September 2021. Jimmy was a great player for many clubs but for me he’s always be a Hammer. Rest in perfect peace Jimmy, you will be sorely missed.
20-09-21 Bee
Greaves, Jimmy My footballing hero, what a fantastic goal scorer. I had the great pleasure of playing against him in a charity match when I played for Windsor and Eton and he was playing for a football celebrity side called The Goldiggers. During the game he did what I thought was impossible and missed a penalty (sorry Jimmy)
02-09-20 Jon Barber
Greaves, Jimmy I used to live next door to an ex reserve team player in the 60's named Brian Parkinson. He used to tell me stories about Jimmy Greaves sitting on the lawnmower watching all the guys train. Brian said the Manager let him get away with it because he was so good and turned it on on match days. He also said Jimmy used to do tricks with a 2 pence coin like drop it on his foot, flick it up and catch it on his neck. I was told by Brian that jimmy could do more tricks with a coin than most of the team could do with a ball.
Greaves, Jimmy My Dad took me to my first football match at Stamford Bridge, Chelsea v Pompey. I became a Chelsea fan for life and in all that time I have seen the greats but, there has NEVER been a player nor a goalscorer like Jimmy Greaves. He was beyond great and it was both a pleasure and an honour to watch him play.