Do you have any interesting, happy, or humorous memories of Sammy?
If so, please let us know and we will be happy to share them with the world!
Irvine, Sammy Grew up with Sammy in Drumchapel. We played in the original Drummy Thistle team and school teams. I remember getting well beaten, 5-1,by St Pius in a cup final. Sammy was outside right and I was inside right. We were 10 years old and so wee!
Sammy always stood out on the football pitch, great player but very modest. I won’t mention the 4th year disco but there was an ambulance and a mint aero chocolate bar involved!!
02-03-23 Jerry Hamilton
Irvine, Sammy Played with Sammy,lifeboys,boys brigade, summerhill primary, waverley secondary, great wee player,could tell you good memories. stay in aussie last 33 years, but sammys name comes up with me a lot in conversation a lot, cheers.
03-07-21 Alan martin
Irvine, Sammy Gifted midfielder when at Shrewsbury. Alan Durban (Player Manager at the time) took him under his wing and really developed him. Was one of my favourite Shrewsbury players along with Alex McGregor.
IRVINE, Sammy Recently met him at his house near Shrewsbury. A very nice man and I could of easily listened to his fooball memories all day. Ashamed to say I had never heard of him but a search of internet shows what a good player he was.