Do you have any interesting, happy, or humorous memories of Tommy?
If so, please let us know and we will be happy to share them with the world!
Langley, Tommy I knew Tommy when we were young teenagers, played for Wellington boys together. Lived in Winklebury as boys and grew up together. His dad and mine ran the boys football team (Bill and Ernie). Tommy signed for Chelsea and I signed for Southampton boys. Always a nice lad, he used to score some great goals from nowhere when we were kids. Good memories. John Naldrett
17-04-23 John Naldrett
Langley, Tommy I met Tommy in 77/78. I worked at Basingstoke Hospital. Someone knew Tommy, and I thought Tommy was just another guy, not a Chelsea player. I thought they were taking the mickey when they told me he was a Chelsea player. The next morning,(Sunday), my mate was hammering on my door with copies of the newspaper which mentioned Tommy. Oops. We all laughed about it. I remember a fun night at the greyhounds with Tommy, Clive and another Chelsea player who I can’t remember. In those days I was a smoking drinking chef. Tommy would be surprised to hear that today, I’m a multiple World record holder of ultra distance athletic feats. My most recent running race was 177.7mikes in length, with an accumulative ascent twice the height of Everest. I remember Tommy as a genuinely nice bloke with a great sense of humour.
26-03-23 Neil Rhodes
Langley, Tommy Hi Tommy. Still remember games at Cranbourne School and the Wellington club. I was in Oakley lads. Tight old games.
27-08-22 Rob Porter
Langley, Tommy As stated by his brother, Tommy is a lovely man. Always gave 100\% when playing with any team. If playing today he would be worth a lot of money. I was in New York at the Empire State building about 35 years ago and suddenly heard a voice saying "Johnny Williams". Looked round and there was Tommy. Had not seen him for years. Then when at Kenilworth races in Cape Town I suddenly heard "Johnny Williams" and straight away knew that it was Tommy. He was on holiday and was organising a racehorse syndicate and before I knew what I was doing, my wife Jacquie and I were signed up. Have not seen him for a few years. Lovely lad was Tommy. John.
In my honest and as unbiased as possible opinion. Tommy was heart led and/or missguided with his career. He and all our family are and have been Chelsea through and through forever. The team at Chelsea were, at his time there, an amazing group of players and so like brothers its unbelievable. But management appointments (yes, including Mr Hurst )were inept. Cliquey would be a word to describe the way they managed. In my, maybe biased, opinion my brother was ONE OF the best English strikers never to play full the full England team. His love and loyalty to the Chelsea badge and the honestly 90% crap managers there ruined a potentially great talent. He is a proud and happy man and still Chelsea to the core.
Anyway if you feel the need to reply please do. I played to a semi pro standard myself and would never claim to know the pro game but in a relevant way football is football across the leagues and standards. Proud brother of course but honest and I believe realistic. Best wishes to all. STAY SAFE KEEP WELL. Rob Langley
13-03-21 Rob Langley
Langley, Tommy Hi Tom, I truly hope you receive this. We have started a group on Facebook of all the Basingstoke guy's of our era. If you are interested and would like to share some of your memories contact me at Take care Bobby
30-08-19 Bobby Billen