Do you have any interesting, happy, or humorous memories of Bunny?
If so, please let us know and we will be happy to share them with the world!
Larkin, Bunny A match day and I was with my dad on the way to the game. Sitting on the inner circle behind the driver was our number 10 for the afternoon, Bunny Larkin. Proud as punch I asked for his autograph. He signed as good as gold. Top division player going to the match on the bus.
06-12-22 Dave
Larkin, Bunny Whilst playing for 'The Blues', Bunny occasionally went to watch Sunday 'pub' league football at Glebe Farm Park in Birmingham.
On one such visit, before the game he was going to watch started, I remember Bunny somewhat reluctantly being persuaded by a gathering crowd to, 'show us how to take a penalty', two steps and 'bang', before you could blink, the ball was in the back of the net and so would have been the chap in goal if he'd had attempted to stop the thunderbolt.
60 years on I still have a chuckle about that chap in goal.
LARKIN, Bunny I grew up with bunny's nephew also named bunny bernard.we all lived in Kitts green and went to ridpool road school before moving to chelmsley wood.young bunny was very proud of his uncle and rightly so.young bunny's mom Peggy was lovely.sadly young bunny and Peggy have long gone.but I can still see the smile on there faces when they talked about big bunny.lovely memories of lovely people
Malcolm Sandford