Do you have any interesting, happy, or humorous memories of Tommy?
If so, please let us know and we will be happy to share them with the world!
Sword, Tommy Hi Tom. Little Olly here. Have you still got the Powder Monkey or the Rising Sun? I see Toma Martin sent you a message hope you and your family are well. Good luck for 2022 m8.
11-01-22 Brian olly oliver
Sword, Tommy Nice words from Toma Martin for big Tommy. I would like to he from you Toma. You too were overlooked for stardom. I have left my Gmail mail. Get in touch if you can.
30-07-21 Olly
Sword, Tommy I played with Tommy when we were young lads, in Walker he was brilliant. Loved playing with him could have played at the top level and a great lad.
30-04-21 Toma Martin
Sword, Tommy Played withe the big guy once or twice. I thought I was good but Tommy was different class. One of the nicest guys you would ever meet. Tom, you should have gone much further in your career.
18-11-20 Brian olly olver
Sword, Tommy Tommy sword was class I remember him breaking his leg against mosey in the fa cup, as for Andy Hopkinson what a great player he was, I remember an overhead kick he scored one Friday night against colchester at edgeley park, talented player. jimmy Melia almost destroyed him
31-12-19 Tony
Sword, Tommy Tommy was a great guy and played with my brother Andy Hodkinson. Was his best man at his wedding, although we couldnt understand his speech with his strong geordie accent ;)